Hungry For God

Monday, April 03, 2006

Baby Funnies

Mayah entertained me all day today - I haven't laughed this much in quite a while...

I was trying to get her to go to sleep for the 3rd time this afternoon, and I mindlessly belched really really loud. I kinda suprised me! Hmmm, what did I have for lunch? Anyway, she jolted upright and laughed out loud and then started screeching! It was the funniest thing I have experienced as a mom yet...

Presently, she is asleep in her swing. It's the type with a "toy bar." This means that in front of her are little trinkets to pull down. They sing and have flashing lights. Great entertainment! I went in to check on her because I hadn't heard any noise in a while, and I found her fast asleep with one of the toys hitting her in the head every time the swing swung forward...I wish I could have videotaped it...

She had her 2nd round of shots today. She didn't cry! We also found out that she is 26 inches long - that's really really tall for her age. She's in the 95th percentile for her age for height! While at the MD office, we also found out that the same doctor that sees the babies delivers the babies...he was being paged, "Dr. Borg, 911 upstairs, Dr. Borg.", that meant that a baby was coming that very second! Small town living is so strange...I can't imagine going to him for an OBGYN appt after seeing him for all of Mayah's visits...she really likes him though.

I have babbled enough....I'm just not used to having this much time to myself! Ahh...maybe I'll go to the bathroom or dust the furniture...or shave my legs!


  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    Oh, I just can't wait to see you all! It's so amazing to hear how much you love being a fits you well! I'm sure Mayah is almost unrecognizable since the last time I saw her. We will come down soon. Love you!!!


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