Hungry For God

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Going Crazy, Baby!!!

I have just forced myself to take a break. Mayah is moving at lightening speed back and forth across the room eating dust bunnies...her runny nose is so bad it's dripping on the floor. She is between crying and happy-screaming.
The Bible study that I am doing was on patience this past week - makrothumia - patience with people. That being said, let me tell you about the last 4 days. They have been filled with snotty noses, runny poop that escapes the diapers, and NO SLEEP. Add on top of that Luke's schedule for harvest has him getting off of work between 7-8:30 every night and working weekends. So, I am doing this as a single mom (I don't know how you guys do it!!!) I am about to LOSE CONTROL. I have to nurse Mayah to sleep...that is the only way she will go down unless she cries herself to sleep, and we are not into inhumane behavoir at this house...So, when I finally get her to sleep, unlatched...then almost to the crib...Whaaaa. She wakes up crying! No more sleeping through the night either, and no more naps...She is sick, and doesn't want me to put her down, so even when I do put her down, I am still tense because she is crying. I also just found the cap to her oragel in her last poopy diaper!!! At least I had a good laugh...
We've been to the doctor, who prescribed a sort of baby antihistamine - I was hoping it would knock her out like it does me, but it does the opposite, so it's kinda been Jeckel and Hyde around here for the past couple of hours: Super hyper happy crazy Mayah turns immediately into sad, cranky crying Mayah all in a matter of seconds...
Oh, to just walk out the door and not come back in for a few hours...
If anyone would like to offer humane advice on how to get Princess Mayah to sleep so that I can have a few minutes of sanity, please spill it forth!!! It could be life-saving material!


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