Do We Really Love the Truth?
I am not sure what the real title of this is...these are some notes I have taken from a cd from IHOP's Israel Mandate....There are few teachings that truly call my spirit to attention such as this one, and I risk the criticism of others by posting these notes, but so be it! People get ready! Jesus is coming!
Let me just preface this by saying also that I have experienced some of what Mike Bickle talks about in this series as I've looked for a church and also as I've struggled with speaking to non-believer friends...I used to be a very very politically correct person, a people pleaser, if you will.
And another preface: I believe that Christ will return again after the tribulation...I believe that we will be here for the worst of it and that Christ will intervene in the battle of Armageddon
And this is my interpretation, my notes...aren't you intrigued now?
Man is afraid.
There is already a serious spirit of false prophecy.
Do we really love the truth, as Christians, as much as we say we do? As Christians, do we identify more with the western culture or as citizens of heaven? Is the reality of the Word of God too scary or intense for us to bear witness to? Do we deny THAT reality for the sake of our comfort? This is being done in the church all over the world. People are actually preaching that is doesn't matter what "religion" you are, you could be Hindu or Jewish - you still go to heaven in the end...let God sort out the details...
There is a scripture - not sure where presently (maybe Jer. 23:16 - ?), but it talks about those who say "peace, peace" when there really is no peace. This is the spirit of false prophecy. The enemy's strategy is to exploit our unrenewed minds so that we are believing the lies of the false prophets, claiming that there is peace, claiming that there is no judgement to come. Christianity is all flowers and roses and candy :) That way, when the truth of what God says will come to pass before Jesus returns, we can label God as a liar.
So, are we interpreting scripture through a western lense of comfort, when actually it was written from a sense of burning love and eternity? Some things are more important than our present comfort.
Are we embarrased by some of the scriptures? Are we embarrased by Jesus? What He said about Israel and the time preceding His return? Do we use the Bible for our own agendas? ( and I personally think of all of the seeker churches out there who water down EVERYTHING to get their numbers up....what happens to those people who do not know the real truth? This happens a lot in the homosexual debate...) So much of what is preached today is to make people feel good. I'm not saying that there is not a lot of truth in the Bible that makes people feel good, but to go the way of the sinner and then be told that it doesn't matter what you do or what you believe because you will go to heaven anyway - Christians should have more compassion on the human race than that.
The truth is that much of what is in the Bible is very politically incorrect.
It's as if, although we proclaim our eternity in heaven, we still act on earth as if it's more important to please everyone around us than to make sure they know the truth.
Jesus the Bridegroom and Jesus the Judge have no contradiction - they are the same person...Jesus the Judge removes everything that hinders love so that His Bridegroom passion can be expressed to and through His people. We see prophetic pictures of this end times truth in our everday lives as He brings us to places of brokenness before Him so that we may see the truth and learn to rely upon His perfection instead of our own flesh. Yhis is what the Lord will do for Israel as well as gentile non-believers through the tribulation. Jer. 23:20 explains that these things - the Lion and the Lamb - will be perfectly understood as we near the time of His second coming. Jesus the Judge has been proven in love on the cross. We have no, yet we judge Him still. We should come under His judgement not put Him under our own judgement.
There is so much more of this I'd like to share, but Mayah is calling.....
Let me just preface this by saying also that I have experienced some of what Mike Bickle talks about in this series as I've looked for a church and also as I've struggled with speaking to non-believer friends...I used to be a very very politically correct person, a people pleaser, if you will.
And another preface: I believe that Christ will return again after the tribulation...I believe that we will be here for the worst of it and that Christ will intervene in the battle of Armageddon
And this is my interpretation, my notes...aren't you intrigued now?
Man is afraid.
There is already a serious spirit of false prophecy.
Do we really love the truth, as Christians, as much as we say we do? As Christians, do we identify more with the western culture or as citizens of heaven? Is the reality of the Word of God too scary or intense for us to bear witness to? Do we deny THAT reality for the sake of our comfort? This is being done in the church all over the world. People are actually preaching that is doesn't matter what "religion" you are, you could be Hindu or Jewish - you still go to heaven in the end...let God sort out the details...
There is a scripture - not sure where presently (maybe Jer. 23:16 - ?), but it talks about those who say "peace, peace" when there really is no peace. This is the spirit of false prophecy. The enemy's strategy is to exploit our unrenewed minds so that we are believing the lies of the false prophets, claiming that there is peace, claiming that there is no judgement to come. Christianity is all flowers and roses and candy :) That way, when the truth of what God says will come to pass before Jesus returns, we can label God as a liar.
So, are we interpreting scripture through a western lense of comfort, when actually it was written from a sense of burning love and eternity? Some things are more important than our present comfort.
Are we embarrased by some of the scriptures? Are we embarrased by Jesus? What He said about Israel and the time preceding His return? Do we use the Bible for our own agendas? ( and I personally think of all of the seeker churches out there who water down EVERYTHING to get their numbers up....what happens to those people who do not know the real truth? This happens a lot in the homosexual debate...) So much of what is preached today is to make people feel good. I'm not saying that there is not a lot of truth in the Bible that makes people feel good, but to go the way of the sinner and then be told that it doesn't matter what you do or what you believe because you will go to heaven anyway - Christians should have more compassion on the human race than that.
The truth is that much of what is in the Bible is very politically incorrect.
It's as if, although we proclaim our eternity in heaven, we still act on earth as if it's more important to please everyone around us than to make sure they know the truth.
Jesus the Bridegroom and Jesus the Judge have no contradiction - they are the same person...Jesus the Judge removes everything that hinders love so that His Bridegroom passion can be expressed to and through His people. We see prophetic pictures of this end times truth in our everday lives as He brings us to places of brokenness before Him so that we may see the truth and learn to rely upon His perfection instead of our own flesh. Yhis is what the Lord will do for Israel as well as gentile non-believers through the tribulation. Jer. 23:20 explains that these things - the Lion and the Lamb - will be perfectly understood as we near the time of His second coming. Jesus the Judge has been proven in love on the cross. We have no, yet we judge Him still. We should come under His judgement not put Him under our own judgement.
There is so much more of this I'd like to share, but Mayah is calling.....
At 8:06 PM,
Amy said…
Yay!!! You're blogging! It's so great to hear what God is doing...
I love you and miss you!
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