Feminism, Christianity, Sexy Cartoons, and THONGS!
I was just listening to a program by Rebecca Jones, author of "Is God a Feminist?" She is a christian woman who has apparently done her research! I would have taken notes of names of people and books mentioned it I hadn't been driving.
Of the many things she said that frightened me, the thing most atrocious was the "postmodern" thinking that has taken over many religious leaders, who are teaching that because we cannot know the thoughts or perspectives of those who wrote the Word of God, we must just read it and interpret it from our our worldly experiences. We must add to or take away from whatever the writing is in order for our "inner energy" to experience the words in the way they were meant. No need for blood and guts of the cross - too depressing and strange!
It is also being taught that Eve was the liberator of the human race because she took a leap of faith outside of the confines of her patriarchal abusive Father God and tasted the apple. Where would we all be today had it not been for Eve?
She also gave names of some well-known pagan witches who are professors at theological schools and are teaching that the cross was the most severe form of child abuse because God the Father allowed, or actually forced, His son to be tortured and cruelly killed. They are also teaching that the patriarchal God of Christianity symbolizes the rape of the world! The rape of women! I was wondering if their thought is that the Father raped Mary instead of an immaculate conception...? That was what she sort of alluded to, but she didn't actually say it. Don't know about that or why this is the thought, but I'll have to check it out.
At first I was shocked, but then I remembered our weekend. This Saturday I babysat for our neighbor's little boy. I turned on some cartoons just for some noise - he cried when his mom left, and I thought maybe that would distract him for a while. What I saw was horrible!!! Saturday morning cartoons featured little girls with cleavage and hooker-short shorts...wearing makeup and flirting with boys in a way that makes me blush!!! I wish I knew what cartoon we were watching...I have never seen anything like the way sex is being pushed on kids like that. I was flabbergasted. Then, we went to "town," and I was looking for some shorts when I ran across THONGS in the little girls section!!! THONGS!!! The underwear, not the shoes... for little girls starting at age 4!!!!
Where have I been? Are people really this desensitized? Do little girls really wear those and watch those cartoons? No wonder we have pregnant 11 yr olds! What are parents thinking?
I'm sorry Luke...I think we're homeschooling Mayah!!!
Of the many things she said that frightened me, the thing most atrocious was the "postmodern" thinking that has taken over many religious leaders, who are teaching that because we cannot know the thoughts or perspectives of those who wrote the Word of God, we must just read it and interpret it from our our worldly experiences. We must add to or take away from whatever the writing is in order for our "inner energy" to experience the words in the way they were meant. No need for blood and guts of the cross - too depressing and strange!
It is also being taught that Eve was the liberator of the human race because she took a leap of faith outside of the confines of her patriarchal abusive Father God and tasted the apple. Where would we all be today had it not been for Eve?
She also gave names of some well-known pagan witches who are professors at theological schools and are teaching that the cross was the most severe form of child abuse because God the Father allowed, or actually forced, His son to be tortured and cruelly killed. They are also teaching that the patriarchal God of Christianity symbolizes the rape of the world! The rape of women! I was wondering if their thought is that the Father raped Mary instead of an immaculate conception...? That was what she sort of alluded to, but she didn't actually say it. Don't know about that or why this is the thought, but I'll have to check it out.
At first I was shocked, but then I remembered our weekend. This Saturday I babysat for our neighbor's little boy. I turned on some cartoons just for some noise - he cried when his mom left, and I thought maybe that would distract him for a while. What I saw was horrible!!! Saturday morning cartoons featured little girls with cleavage and hooker-short shorts...wearing makeup and flirting with boys in a way that makes me blush!!! I wish I knew what cartoon we were watching...I have never seen anything like the way sex is being pushed on kids like that. I was flabbergasted. Then, we went to "town," and I was looking for some shorts when I ran across THONGS in the little girls section!!! THONGS!!! The underwear, not the shoes... for little girls starting at age 4!!!!
Where have I been? Are people really this desensitized? Do little girls really wear those and watch those cartoons? No wonder we have pregnant 11 yr olds! What are parents thinking?
I'm sorry Luke...I think we're homeschooling Mayah!!!
At 2:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know Rebecca Jones and haven't read her book, nor do I know her qualifications but I must call into question the validity of one part of her homework. Her claim of this "postmodern" teaching that has overtaken "many" Christian leaders sounds neither postmodern nor is it new nor do I beleive it has taken over many Christian leaders.
I have read, listened to, rubbed shoulders, broken bread, shared pints and bottles, debated, and generally hung out with almost every "postmodern" Christian leader you can think of and have never heard anyone espouse such teachings.
Besides that, we love and miss you all very much!
At 5:06 PM,
KariBryant said…
Unfortunately not all postmodernists are Christians, and I think she was probably referring to some Christian leaders who have forgotten that Jesus calls us to be in the world and not of it. Maybe they have become too caught up in what's wrong with the church, they've thrown the baby out with the bathwater...I think the postmodern aspect that lends itself to this type of criticism is it's mandate to accept all...there is a strong suggestion of no moral right or wrong. As a proclaimed disciple of Christ, there are mandated moral absolutes. I worked with a man who went to a Lutheran church who had a female lesbian pastor...while, it is definitely not my place to judge this person, or call her to attention, it is also a great example of this lack of moral absolutes in some church leaders.
"Postmodernism claims that there are no moral absolutes - that is, truth is whatever you beileve it to be. That kind of thinking sugests that good citizenship requires tolerance of all points of view and behavioral preferences. The postmodern philosophy also proclaims that the most important element in life is your relationships; that the processes you engage in are more significant than the product of those procedures,which is a "means justify the ends" perspective; and that the most appropriate route to influence is through dialogue, not monologue or the imposition of one's beliefs or approaches upon others."
George Barna in "Revolution"
Sometimes we have to agree to disagree. It's okay. It's what makes life interesting! I can't tell you how much I miss you all at Bluer. You have a very very special group of sheep to shephered :)
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