Hungry For God

Friday, May 02, 2008


That is how my life seems right now. In a way, it's really good because there isn't anything I can to about any of the chaos. I am strangely calm! Or maybe it's just denial :)

It's been almost 3 weeks and we still have not received the appraisal yet for our current home. We found out yesterday that one of the appraisers did not get the square footage!!!!!!!!!!! Yes. Seriously. Everything is going through a 3rd party relocation company, so it's taking a lot longer than if we were just doing it ourselves.

We got ahold of the termite guy who missed the mess the first time, and apparently he knew that he had screwed up because he offered to do the job at cost for us (not free, but hey we'll take what we can get at this point), which is about 2000 bucks less then cost. \ seems like we are just waiting for the inspector's report and the movers to come and then what will be will be...

Sam is feeling MUCH better, and Mayah's keeping us all in stitches lately...little miss drama queen!

It doesnt' really seem like we're moving next week...there are people we haven't said goodbye to and things we have yet to do. If you walked into our house it is business as usual! I imagine by this time next week it will be complete anarchy.


  • At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    best wishes for your move. here's to keeping your sanity!

  • At 4:04 AM, Blogger One Voice of Many said…

    Calm is always good. Enjoy the moments. :-)



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