Hungry For God

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Missing Minnesota...

I am really longing to be back in Minneapolis today. I wish there was snow on the ground, or even some ice...I miss Bluer, and women's group. I miss my friends Patsy, Amy, Jen, Jamie...and the rest of you. I miss going to a church that is REAL even if the realness is not pretty, or even if it's beautiful...I miss seeing people who are NOT normal. I miss going to church with people who are not normal according to society, yet they don't care and are not trying to meet society's standards...I miss sitting on a couch with a coffee table to put my feet upon in church. I miss candles and techno worship music...I miss impromptu gatherings at Bryan and Jamie's after church or on a Friday night...I miss good chinese food...good italian food...good grocery stores - well, ones that don't sell outdated dairy and meat. I miss praying together, sharing what's REALLY going on inside, what God's doing in our lives...I miss being able to just journal during church if God is doing something in me outside of the service...crying without everyone thinking I'm a nut...I miss being around people who are not constantly trying to be the world's version of perfect. I miss busy streets and city lights. I miss going out to dinner with Amy...I miss my friend Joyce at work cracking jokes that are not that funny, but because she laughs, they are hilarious...I miss Minneapolis...I miss the crazy lady that used to come in the office and cuss like she had terret's ( i have no idea how to spell that), and then talk about her birds and her hair while she was ringing the bell on the counter a million times loudly...I am really...truly...missing Minnesota.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Burden of Revival and Healing of the Land

A few months ago, the Lord very loudly and clearly began to show me one of the reasons why Luke and I are in Falls City. I'm going to try to explain it here, but there is so much that it may be confusing or convoluted...

II Chronicles 7:14 says, "If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."

A few months ago, the Lord began to impress upon me that the harvest cannot go forth until there is a spirit of repentence that falls on certain areas of land that have been defiled, land that has been sinned against, and land that needs to be cleansed by God in order to produce fruit to be harvested. It was during harvest, harvest was on my mind, and I didn't really think much of it.

I am attending a Beth Moore Bible study with some ladies I have become friends with..a couple of us missed a meeting and I offered my home in which to watch the missed DVD. We never even watched the DVD. It was evident that the Lord had other things on His heart for us! I was a bystander in the conversation - little did I know the Lord had orchestrated every word spoken. The women began to talk about the history of our town, the current economic and spiritual oppression that lies heavy all around this area. Some things they were not sure of - rumors, legends, etc.., but none of it was good. God had been working in both of their hearts, calling them out into intercession for this town, and He had given a specific word regarding the fame of this place - the opportunity to be well known for miraculous healings in the name of Jesus, a place of revival and refuge.

After the women left, there was an urgency in my spirit, a need to act, to commune with the Lord, to find out what was on His heart. I just felt like there was a really important reason I was hearing what I I began to do a little bit of research on my own about this area...and found out a few things:
1. Falls City used to be located south of where it is now, on a river...the "Falls" were man-made. There was a horrible flood that caused the town to be moved. I am not sure how big the river was back then, but it's pretty small now.

2. French trappers infiltrated the land, which was primarily occupied by Native American tribes. The trappers were accustomed to stealing and raping the Native American women. Many became pregnant and there was formed an entity in itself called the "half-breed." Their own town, cemetery, etc..they were scorned.

3. There was a struggle for county seat between Falls City and another town called Salem, and the circumstances were so cloudy in all accounts that I read, but it seems as if Falls City won the county seat unfairly and unethically. There were people killed over it.

4. The number of child deaths here is unusually high considering the small population, it is one of the poorest counties in Nebraska, with a very very high rate of child abuse, and drug abuse.

5. The Native American tribes in this area practiced religion that called for them to sacrifice their children to gods for rain, provision, etc..

6. There is a legend about how the town was founded - on stolen gold. The legend goes, that the man/men who stole the gold kept it in a covered wagon for a long time in barn on his property south of town...the barn was a place where parties and town dances used to be held suring the (and this part is true) the barn has burned down 4 times, and every person who has lived in the house on that property has filed for bankruptcy.

There are a number of other "legends," but who knows if they are true or not. Of primary importance is that there were definitely sins committed against the land and the Native Americans on it and by the Native Americans.

After discovering some of the town/area history, I felt the most intense attack of the enemy I've ever felt. I was so afraid. I was alone at home (well, Mayah was sleeping), and literally every time I would shut my eyes, I would see things coming for me. I knew that the Lord had allowed me to see something that the enemy did not want me to see, did not want messed with. I called my aunt Vicki and she prayed with me over the phone...I wish I could describe better the attack I was under...but the Lord instructed me to consecrate my house, to mark off the boundaries of our property by taking and actually planting communion on the four corner boundary markers. Can you imagine how crazy my neighbors must have thought I was? hehehe....After taking communion, I prayed over every entrance to our home, and marked our doorposts with comunion wine as the Lord instructed the Israelites to do so that the spirit of death would pass over them. I was even thinking I was crazy at this point, but I was so afraid I had no choice but to follow God's leading.

Vicki had given me Psalm 91 to pray over Falls City, and as I was seeking the Lord - asking Him what was going on and what was I supposed to do? Was this a can of worms that I was to put the lid back on? The first verse of the Psalm is: "He who dwells in the secret place of the most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand." So I asked Him - where is the secret place for me? And He revealed to me exactly where it is, and how to remain fixed and stable in that place under the shadow of His wing...
I asked God to show me how to pray, what to pray for if He has called me to praying for Falls City, and into a battle that was clearly too much for little ol' me on my own.

For those of you who know me, I believe that we are to be preparing the way for the second coming, and I believe that it will be soon. I also believe that there will not be a "rapture" before the tribulation, and that we are called to stand in a time of trouble, and that there are going to be places that the Lord has set apart as cities of refuge or lands of refuge - just like he did for Israel before He led them out of Egypt. So, finally the puzzle pieces were starting to fit! In my Bible, next to Psalm 91, I have written "for cities of refuge." So, I started to wonder if this little town has been set apart by God as a city of refuge, but needs to be prepared for that time, by being cleansed and healed by those of us here who are Christians. God is asking for us to stand in the place of sinners past and repent on behalf of the founding fathers and trappers, etc..and He is asking us to ask Him to come in and plant new seeds of life, of His life, of His truth light that illumines that which has been hidden for so long in the darkness.

That night, I was woken up by 3 dreams - sort of was like I was having a conversation, not a dream really, but then three things were revealed through the conversation:
1. The rape of NA women which results in the 'half-breed.'
2. The sacrificing of children to gods for rain - this is an offering to Molech, worshipping Molech.
3. During a great flood, evil was spread throughout the land

I feel like these are the specific sins that allowed the enemy to gain a very strong foothold, that opened the door for principalities to set up camp here, and now God is taking His land back.

As I was praying, this is what the Lord gave me:

"Violently ripping out root and seed of evil planted in this land. You are angry that life has been stolen from Your people, and vengeance is Yours. Ripping out demonic oppression, seeds of doubt, fear, cowardice, thievery. You are cleansing, stripping the land of innocent blood and evil seed poured upon it. Digging up, ripping up...tilling the ground, till the ground again, preparing it for seeds of life, truth, light, fertilizing the ground, pouring in, pouring in Your Word and Your healing salve."

I have no idea what God has in store for the upcoming months. I don't know if I am to begin to pray for Him to heal this land and to bring about His harvest, and then someone else will continue to do this after we move, or if the Lord will cause the spirit of repentence to fall upon the people here during the 150th birthday worship gathering this year...I don't know when Jesus is coming back, or if we are in the midst of the birthpangs...but I want to be faithful, I want to be standing with Him, not swept away with the wicked, not disillusioned. I don't have the slightest idea how to stand in repentence for generations past or how to pray for the cleansing of the land. I am really at a loss, and am waiting on the Lord to show me what's next. If you think of me or this little town of Falls City, please pray for God's will and that His truth would be known to those whom He has called.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

New Church Adventures

Our church decided to begin a new service on Saturday nights in order to reach the younger genration in our town...We are really excited because there is NOTHING here even remotely modern, and when we were looking for a church, we did not find one that we felt connected to, one that we could go to and really worship and feel accepted and be excited about. What they want to do reminds me of Bluer, our beloved Vineyard/Emergent church in Minneapolis. They are planning on having an actual coffee shop after the service, and they want to decorate with art, old couches, coffee tables, lamps, candles, etc... Interestingly, they've asked me to SING in the worship band!!! This is interesting because I don't sing. I have never really sang in front of people other than when I was little in Christmas programs, and I have never had a desire to do so...I mean, I can carry a tune, but it's just not something people would prefer to listen to!!! I'm going to give it a try. I've gone to the first "band practice," and it was a little bit intimidating...I just stood there, still, nervous, in front of this microphone...trying to sing. And then it came, I could sing, but I still couldn't move. I am concerned. I have a problem, an historic problem with performance, and I dont want to be more nervous-more concerned about what I look like to the audience/church, than about what I am actually doing, which is worshipping my King...and I LOVE worship. We'll see how this goes. I am excited about the new service though...I know that the young people in this town need a place they can go on the weekends - right now they hang out at the grocery store. Or doing drugs at someone's house. Seriously! I hope that this is REAL, not a staged effort, but REALLY extending the heart, the love of Jesus to those who so desperately need Him, like me.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Mayah's First Birthday

We celebrated Mayah's first birthday while we were in Texas for Thanksgiving. She was really shy about her cake. I think we are going to have to practice opening presents before Christmas! It was so much fun...I can't believe she is a year old...I've been a mom for one year!

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