Hungry For God

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Everything That Can Be Shaken Will Be Shaken

The Lord keeps confirming this message: Everything that can be shaken will be shaken

...since last week at the silent retreat, everything I've listened to or read seems to be linked. Every CD I've put in my car the Lord has used to speak this, people I've spoken with, babysitting, children's church...and then I got this'll see it below.
I CANNOT be silent!

Let us cry out as one church, one body, with one song, one God and one love, let us all agree to be unified, to be His church as we intercede on behalf of unbelievers and believers. Corporate prayer and fasting is required. The Lord sees and hears our prayers and holds our efforts in much higher esteem than we can even imagine. These are some key verses that hold true the fact that the Lord DESIRES us to seek Him corporately, He wants us to come to Him, to cry out to Him, to be tenderized with fasting and prayer and to pray and fast with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are His, and we are called to bring blessing upon the earth as partners with the Lamb, through the annointing of the Holy Spirit.

Joel 2:10-14
And the earth quakes before them; the heavens tremble. The sun and the moon are darkened and the stars withdraw their shining. And the Lord utters His voice befoer His army, for His host is very great, and they are strong and powerful who execute God's word. For the day of the Lord is great and very terrible, and who can endure it? Therefore, also now, says the Lord, turn and keep coming to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping and with mourning until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored. Rend your hearts and not your garments and return to the Lord, your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in loving kindness; and He revokes His sentence of evil. Who knows but what He will turn, revoke your sentence and leave a blessing behind Him giving you the means with which to serve Him, even a cereal or meal offering and a drink offering for the Lord your God?

Exodus 15:26
Saying, If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God and will do what is right in His sight, and will listen to and obey His commandments and keep all His statues, I will put none of the disease upon you which I brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the Lord Who heals you.

Ezekiel 22:30
And I sought a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. Therefore have I poured out My indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; their own way have I repaid by bringing it upon their own heads, sayd the Lord God.

We can change history with wholeleartedness, come to Him and come together in unity as the Bride, one church and intercede. Let's be the one who WILL stand in the gap and ask that nations be spared.


ACPE's Word for 2005: GOD WILL LEVEL MOUNTAINS, (Plus) Word for Colorado, California, and Oregonby the Apostolic Council of Prophetic EldersC. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce and,,

We are moving into a season of tremendous revelation. There will be an increase upon the revelatory gifts mixed with the teaching gift in order to release keys to see nations reformed and transformed.

Revelation will also manifest in the area of keys to release finances and wealth. Isaiah 45 will be a key passage to see breakthroughs in these areas:

1. God will level mountains. We will see the manifested presence of God enter into society in ways that will overcome opposition to the Body of Christ moving into society.2. Supernatural doors of influence will break down gates of bronze (opposition). Favor will be the key to open these doors. With this we will see a new linking of key Christian leaders to the influencers of society on every level.3. A time of cutting through the bars of iron. God is going to strengthen the church to persevere in the midst of adversity. We need to be violent in the spirit and not give up in the day of adversity. 2005 will be a violent year, but God wants us to fight back with godly violence in prayer and spiritual warfare. The exhortation given us was that this is a time for faith and not fear. We are in the season of running towards Goliath and we are not to fear him. God said that he would meet us in the fire of Nebuchadnezzar and it will not burn us.4. There is going to be a new level of authority to break down strongholds that have held families, relationships, and finances for generations. Tremendous deliverances will take place for family members who have been held in bondage for years, and the prodigals are going to be restored and put on the path to their God-given destinies. God will give His people the tenacity and sharpness to stay on the cutting edge.5. A release of treasures held in darkness. The shakings will reveal all sorts of minerals. With the world-shaking events presently taking place, the Body of Christ is going to step into a new level of financial influence. There will be a supernatural "convergence" that will occur that will call Christians to the forefront in times of crisis. This will manifest by the governments of nations, asking for help from the Christians.6. The spirit of poverty and greed will be broken off of the prophets. True prophets will not be bought or sold.

It is a time to form new relationships and strengthen those you have walked with for many days. Covenantal relationships will work together in new ways to flow as Josephs and re-distribute seed. In the days of crisis the Lord will re-distribute wealth. Great networking will take place between Christian ministries, and many will turn their hearts to the poor. Great funds will be given, such as the release in the past few years of one billion dollars to the Salvation Army.

The African-American church in America will see a rising up of some leaders and a putting down of others based on their stance on justice and righteousness.

We are in a season of shakings. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. There will be continued physical disasters where the plates of the earth will shift. In the midst of the shakings, God will raise up regional apostles and prophets who will be able to decree and see the natural disasters stop or be lessened in their city or region.Tremendous sin is going to be uncovered, including homosexuality in the church. Financial improprieties will also come to light. Leaders will call for more accountability.

God is moving in the earth in order to harvest the earth. This will manifest in a great harvest of souls, as we are entering a decade of harvest in which we will see some of the greatest harvests of souls the earth has ever seen. With this will be a tremendous outpouring of signs and wonders. Prophetic evangelism will be on the rise with signs and wonders accompanying -- especially in the marketplace. A tidal wave of God's glory will come upon the church that will result in great harvest.A tremendous revival will occur in the marketplace with apostles arising and being set in place who will be people of great influence in their cities and nations. Apostolic leaders in the Marketplace who have been faithful are going to be receiving promotions. This will manifest in these leaders having significant business opportunities supernaturally brought to them without their having sought them. This will happen with such a frequency that these Apostles will have to develop teams to perform due diligence in order to determine which of the opportunities they could undertake. The prophets, in their spheres, will be involved in the project selection, once the due diligence has been developed.

Angelic activity will increase. Children will experience visitations of angels and proclaim this across the nations. This will be a sign even to unbelievers.A special season of restoration will take place. There is an escalation of all things taking place and this will manifest in a restoration of relationships that have looked impossible to mend.Leaders will have a special emphasis on lineage and legacy. The generations will be knit even closer together as one generation mentors another. There will also be special mantles poured out upon new leaders as He raises up a new generation of giants like unto Oral Roberts for evangelism, and Aimee Semple McPherson for healing.

New "Samuel" prophets will come to the forefront who will help nations, and those with vision, transition "Saul-ish" nations to "Davidic" nations who will love God. Prophets will be positioned to help national transformations and anoint new government leaders.The Lord is calling us into a deeper level of intimacy with Him. God will release a new measure of grace upon His people who seek Him. With this release, His people will thrive and flourish. Those things that have been hard will become easy and stress-free. The spirit of Jezebel will manifest in a strong way, trying to persecute the prophets and leaders. Stand strong in the vision that God has given you. Don't run from Jezebel. Stand against her and she will run.

United StatesThe United States has been saved from those who would remove God from its borders, but now the nation must be established. There is a four-year window for the intercessors to war for the establishment of morality and righteousness. God is going to raise up a president in 2008 who will reconcile the nations to the United States. Bush has been called to be a man of war, like David, but God is bringing a Solomon to the office in '08 who will make peace with the nations.EnglandWe felt that Satan knows what an important nation England is for the re-evangelization of Europe, and he is marshalling his forces to try to discourage, destroy, and otherwise stop the Christian leaders of England. There was a call from the prophets to pray for England.IraqIraq is a nation rich in Biblical significance. It is also a place where Satan has built his strongholds. God wants to use Iraq to "crack open" the Middle East for an in-gathering of souls for the Kingdom.
For this reason we are calling upon the Body of Christ to pray for the upcoming elections. A 21-day fast is being called, beginning January 15th through February 5th, 2005. Special prayer is called for the soldiers of all nations and relief workers, as well as Iraqi nationals who are fighting to see democracy established in the region. Pray to break the demonic powers of witchcraft and the occult who would bring confusion and discouragement, and bind the spirit of babel that would bring confusion on the troops fighting for democracy.SingaporeGod is going to use Singapore as an apostolic city-state to model the convergence of the church with those with philanthropic calls, both believers and unbelievers, to release compassion ministries in the nations of the earth. Singapore is going to be a first-fruits nation that God is going to use to bless the nations. It will be a sign of the release of wealth.Asian Prophetic InsightOne of the prophets from Asia had prophesied in October that a catastrophe was going to come to Asia that would result in an open door for harvest for the gospel. He also saw that a pandemic would hit where 300,000 could die if prayer and help was not sent.SyriaThere is going to be a revealing of hidden and secrets things that will start in 2005 and continue into the following years. God is going to reach into this nation to create an openness to the gospel.WorldThe tsunami in southeast Asia will cause the dollar in the economic structures of the earth to shift, beginning in mid-June.A vision was given of God holding the spirit of mammon upside down and shaking the things it had in its pockets out for the Josephs of the world to catch.

ColoradoColorado is going to see the beginnings of the "unlocking" of treasures of darkness from the mines. New veins of ore and minerals will be discovered in the ground that have been hidden until this season.CaliforniaA dream was given to one of the prophets in November, 2004, that everything began to fall apart in California. In the dream, he was helping to put Christmas ornaments back on the tree. He knew then that he should warn the people that mudslides would come, weather patterns would change drastically (with snow), and an earthquake would come at some time after these drastic weather pattern shifts; and there would be a flood in Los Angeles and then a fire.Several of the prophets had received that this was a judgment due to the vote to use stem cells for research that was passed in the last election. The word was that they needed to re-align their gifts, or else the whole nation would be changed by the Jezebel spirit that will arise out of California and try to pass similar votes in the rest of the nation. As a result, we are calling for massive prayer for Schwarzenegger. We strongly felt that the intercessors need to go for the ancient roots to heal the land of California.OregonOregon will see the ruling governmental structure, along with its influence and liberalism, fall. This will cause structures that are hidden, that are terrorist groups, beginning in 2005, to be exposed. Watch for physical shakings in the natural so spiritual change can the Apostolic Council of Prophetic EldersC. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck,,

Friday, January 28, 2005

What is the POINT, REALLY?

In an order to quiet my mind, to posture myself to receive from the Lord, I went on a silent retreat last weekend. It was really really hard to try to clear my mind of the things I did that day, that week, what I had to do the next week...people who needed things, people to call, food to cook, groceries to buy, that TV show, my lack of "quiet time" with God, washing clothes, e-mails to answer, spending quality time with my didn't seem it would end. It was hard. We are not brought up to be quiet, but instead to be prepared, to be fully finished, to have order and fullness in our lives. It is not normal for us to have hours to contemplate or to meditate.
Someone said to me once that there are people who really hear from God all of the time. I imagine that these people have postured themselves such that they are not continually inundated with the "stuff" soceity throws our way 24/7. What a concept!

It took me about 30 hours before I felt like I was really quiet, really in a place to hear from God, not distracted by the buzzing of my mind. Then, the question started: What is the point, really? What is the thing that we are missing? Where is that point, and how do we get there?

As I began to pray about this, my mind was buzzing again, but it seemed as if it was not distracted. Here is what the Lord seemed to reveal to me...

Then He saw wisdom and declared it; He established it, yes, and searched it out for His own use and He alone posesses it. But to man He said, Behold the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord - that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. Job 28: 27-28

Now think of all of the places in which we seek to find wisdom...and all of the things we know that we proclaim to show others our wisdom. It seems almost foolish.

If certain things were removed fully from our lives, which would "shake" our lives the most?
What would America miss the most?
Answer: Clothes, TV, cell phones, computers, FOOD, cars, prescription medications
Unfortunately I saw all of these things being missed more than friends and family, God and community. Think for a minute...if a family member or a friend were to suddenly be gone, we would have all of the other vices listed to distract us, to zone us out, to seemingly make us "ok" again.

When all that can be shaken is shaken, who will America turn to? To whom will we cry out? Even the beasts of the field know and cry out to God, but for now we can only hope that our nation will do the same. When there isn't an "emergent church" to answer the questions that baffle our minds, or to offer a place to post/express opinion, what will this new generation of Christians do? Will we be able to remain faithful, trusting our God to provide what we need? Are we finding satisfaction in mere knowledge? Are we finding our identity in our church, our peer groups, our worship music and candles? Does it move beyond a physical setting into our hearts? What truly makes us happy? Is it the earthly things we are a part of, or is it knowing the heart of the One who created us?

The more familiar I become with postmodernism and the movement called the "emergent church" the more I see the fad, the "style," the hip way to do seems no different to me than all of the fads before...and as for being an open place of exceptance, where all are welcome, I am afraid it may not be that either. Sometimes it seems to really be a place for young, liberal, free thinkers or techies, or intellectuals. I don't see a place for a legalist or the tax collector, the right wing conservative or the pro-war candidate.

It seems that we have just etched out our new set of ideals that seem to go against the old, but we have forgotten the point: communion with our God and an intimate relationship with our Abbah Father. He is there for every personality and opinion, He doesn't care about whether or not we support the war as long as we are seeking His wisdom, His love. He is not impressed by our knowledge, but longs to give us love and to impart His wisdom.

Will we be His still when our new hip comfort zone fails us? Will we know why we exist if our community crumbles? Let's allow God to move us past our identity in the seeker church of great concerts, the emergent church of intellect, the traditional church of safety and into an identity in Him alone that will stand the test of time.

Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and keep coming to me with all of your heart, with fasting with weeping and with mourning until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored. Rend your hearts and not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness; and He revokes His sentence of evil when His conditions are met. Blow the trumpet in Zion! Set apart a fast, a day of restraint and humility; call a sollemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation; assemble the elderly people, gather the children and the nursing infants; let the Bridegroom go forth from His chamber and the bride out of her closet. Joel 2

Thursday, January 13, 2005

When you don't hear God

A while back I started a series on Hosea. I was reading it and listening to a teaching by Mike Bickle on CD. I didn't finish. I just left the last cd in the case...never touched it until last night.

Instead of Mike Bickle, another man who is associated with FOTB (, Alan Hood, was speaking. What he shared was something I've needed to hear for so long. I wept...and my heart swelled up with love and understanding flooded my being.

The book of Hosea is about a prophet, named Hosea, whom God asked to take a wife of harlotry. This story is a representation of the love between God and Israel as well as between God and each one of us individually as well as the love of God for His whole church. This is the first time that God is revealed as a BRIDEGROOM in the Bible.

He tells Hosea to choose Gomer, a woman who has been raised by a prostitute and was brought up to know nothing more than how to sell her body. Imagine how cold and hard her heart must be by the time Hosea took her as his bride. She has been used and abused her entire life, and she believes that there is nothing else she can do or will ever do. Her mom did it, she did it. This is her life, this is how she survives. Even as a child men used her body. If she tried to escape, she was hurt and punished. The walls that have gone up are so thick and strong, there is no more childhood left. Any memories of innocence are fairytales now.

When Hosea takes Gomer as his wife, he is tender with her, and God causes him to love her deeply. But, Gomer feels so uncomfortable in this situation, she goes back...she goes back to the life she led before because there is a part of her that doesn't know how else to live. She was used to certain things, nice clothes, expensive food, etc...that she didn't get with Hosea. Hosea experiences the same heartache that God does when His children go astray. He is genuinely sad, not MAD! It breaks Hosea's heart to see her go, he knows what she is doing. God tells him, "Go again" and get her, love her as I love the children of Israel.
Hosea has to go and actually BUY her out of slavery. She was a love slave at this point to someone, who would not let her go freely. Hosea tells her that this time she will not have her other lovers, she will not go after them again, nor will she even have him in intimacy until her heart has turned towards his. There was to be a time of celibacy, a time of silence.

I don't have the exact words, but here is what struck me on the last CD:
God's silence is sometimes His way of allowing the trauma of our hearts to mend. All of those things we've done tht have hurt our bodies, those things we are ashamed of, He doesn't want in the way when He comes to love us, He wants us to be able to focus on Him and not our past. His silence is a time to heal, time to be prepared for just what He wants to speak to our hearts. Just like Hoseah tells Gomer that there will be a period of time that she'll have no other lovers nor will she have himself - this so that her heart can mend. All she's ever known was being used and abused, he doesn't want to throw her into the same cycle by claiming her too soon, he doesn't want her to think he is using her, but he wants it to be genuine love, love that lasts forever, true, he will woo her to him.

God's silence is not rejection, it's so that when He speaks to us, we won't misinterpret the motive. He's honoring us so that our hearts can receive Him in due time. Do not despair, He will "go again" and love her who has given up on Him, and He will reprogram her heart and heal her wounds so that she can accept His love and to return it.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

It's a New Year...and it's good

I am trying to write with a cat on my

lap, hogging the keyboard, but I don't have the heart
to make him get down...Poor Claude. He's getting

Our pastor at Bluer ( I still can't link.
sorry!)gave the most awesome message tonight about the
new year, new hope, starting fresh. It was sooo good.
So inspiring, so RIGHT. If I learn how to link in the
near future, I'll post it.

It was as if the whole message was SOS for me, and an
inspiration, or call to live your life fully in God,
the full, abundant life He's called us to, taking in
all of His creation and opportunity around
us...instead of being afraid of the mountain,
the rocky cliff and steep ledges, going my
own way up the mountain of myhrr...

I am so hungry, so thirsty, so in need...
I've just come to a place where I can't
live anymore without being full, without
moving forward, with being scared and intimidated...I
have to close my eyes and jump. I have to...and I
can't worry anymore if I screw up!

Lately I've had this hunger, this longing,
it's not being satisfied, but it's's more
recognizable than ever before...this after kind of
being in a place of wandering away, of feeling like
the Lord would never bestow His presence upon me
again...being tired of waiting and wanting and not
hearing or feeling or living...but I feel like I'm
going to have to step out and just do it...just go for
things that I'm typically intimidated to go for,
and I'm tired of not pursuing some things because
I may be doing it alone...

Last night I felt a little bit of that freedom that I
used to have in college...just having pizza and a beer
with Luke...but, for a moment, all of the rediculous
worries that I mull over daily just disappeared...and
it was nice. It's always nice when that happens...I used
to just go for things, and not worry about what people
thought. I USED to, just for a time while I was also high
24 hours a day, feel like I really could do anything
in the world and be happy...and there was such freedom
in that (until I started having panick attacks).
Maybe this is a learned kind of freedom that God wants
to teach me? I don't know...and I don't know anyone
personally who has ever gotten to that place and stayed...
but, if glimpses are all I get, I'll take it.

When I think about what I am doing with my life, all I
can come up with is "NOT MUCH"...not much in the way
of a career, or helping others or being adventurous,
or having a deep deep walk with God...there is not
much there at all. But at the same time, it's so hard
to wait on the Lord to put in me the things I cannot
buy with money or give myself...I again, feel like I
am on the verge of greatness...but then stop myself
when I realize WHOSE greatness...really only
mine...where is that line that I cross so easily? Or
have I ever been on the right side of it...or is there
a right side?

and so...I want so badly to be a part of something
meaningful, something great that brings GOOD to people,
and that is progressive in a pursuit of truth about God,
something growing, something driving, something
exciting...I am sure everyone wants that. Why do we
not go after it? Or are we in the middle of it and do
not know it?

That is what I want for my new year..

Also, after reading those McLaren books, I kind of
became - well, I take that back. Long before I read
those books, maybe it started with the elections?, I
was in negative mode...critical mode, and the Lord has
really put on my heart the positives lately, the need
to be positive, to see good, to not focus on what is wrong
with the church, but to be good and do good and not worry
about slough off the old skin.

That is what I want for my new year...

I have to stop worrying what people think about me!!!

I awoke this morning to the smell of cat pee...not my phone ringing, because it did...and that's why I was supposed to wake up. A friend was coming over to pick up some stuff at 7:30 am, but I overslept.
For those of you who know me well, you know that I am somewhat obsessive compulsive when it comes to a clean house, so this morning was QUITE embarrassing for me!
I got up, and the whole house was like one of our cats decided not to use the litter box and instead use the floor of the living room...I was scrambling because my friend was seconds away and she was in a hurry...and I could not find the source of the smell...ANYWHERE.

So, she came over and came inside and I could tell by the look on her face that she was about to gag...and there was nothing I could do...except hope that she will want to come over again in the future and quit worrying about what she will think of me because our stinky house!!!

Okay, I think I'm over it.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

There isn't really a point...just stuff to think about.

Aside: I wish I knew how to link things...someday I'll figure it out.

French Sociologist Rousseau believed that the social order kept people from reaching a perfect state. His methodology: Imagine what man's natural state would be if it was divested of all he had acquired in society. Think about your life without language or rules and only sensations. In Rousseau's opinion the natural state of man would be ideal because it would be enough in itself to satisfy the senses, we would desire and need only what is in our environment, thus there would be no discard or waste. He had to account for the change from man's natural state to his social state. These are things that caused the social state of man: increased population, natural disasters (brought people together), and adaptation of the natural conditions to suit man. Obviously with so many people and changing conditions, discord is inevitable and war at hand. His solution was for humans to form a pact to unite for the collective good. But under what pull? Why and how would this happen?

Durkheim answers this question...MORALITY.

This is WAY out of context...or in the wrong timeline...but so interesting to compare this to the change going on right now in our country, all over the world to a more abstract, freer kind of thinking, a trend away from the mechanical, and a revolt (sort of ) against the mainstream moral laws, religious sanctions, etc...Is it good or bad? What will come next?

According to Durkheim, morality ultimately unites man, and the way society is organized determines what morality is. How is our society organized? It seemed to be based first on morality and that still true?
In a mechanical society, the groups are small, people are more alike, and exist together because of their basic beliefs...
These things produce what Durkheim calls the collective conscience: reality sui generis, or emergent reality...A shared morality can also create very repressive laws, but people go with it because they all believe in the good of their cause, they are caught up in their own shared morality. He uses the term "mechanical solidarity", and refers to this as when individuals act as a unit, in a way that does not require thoughtful organization or the use of reason.

Durkheim also concludes that a mechanical society will evolve to become an organic society. Organic - excessive focus on the individual which causes lack of social and emotional support, lack of moral agreement...lots of people with lots of different morals and ideas of the ideal, freedom from environment, norms, rules, etc...lots of room for interpretation.
...but less regulation of man's apettite makes man want more and more and more and more and man is never happy
Which is better?
Durkheim's solution was also for humans to behave in a way that is good for the society as a whole.
The timidity of this generation is expressed inwardly in 2 fears:

1. I fear I have nothing to give
2. I fear I have so much to lose

This takes us back to an age old truth that you do not have anything at all to lose until you have something to give, and once you give what you have, you gain more than you thought you had to lose.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Another good quote

A quote that made me think a lot about my life and my role in the "story," as Brian McLaren puts it so uniquely:

"It's typical all over the world; human consumption always dictates our agendas. It's all about consumption. Taking in food and digesting it to extract what is of value to us, leaving only...leaving only crap. There's not a polite word for it, Reverend Dan. We consume everything we can, and everything we consume we turn into...(her word was a more colorful one than I'll repeat here)."

Bryan McLaren - The Story We Find Ourselves In

I think I may have liked the book even more if he would have used that word and offended so many who are more worried about it than the people who need so much more than better language...

Sunday, January 02, 2005

"The Vision"...thanks to whoever noticed that my computer skills are not up to par...and helped me out!!! Here is the link.